'Countdown to Christmas' movie review: 'Christmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy' — Escape Into Film

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'Countdown to Christmas' movie review: 'Christmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy'

'Countdown to Christmas' movie review: 'Christmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy'

The third entry in the lovely Hallmark series "Christmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy" (premiering Nov. 29 as part of the Hallmark Channel's Countdown to Christmas) is a warm return to the tiny, holiday-themed town.

In short: Freelance writer Katie (Maggie Lawson) travels to Evergreen to get the scoop on the town's famed passion for Christmas, while former journalist Ben (Paul Greene) helps lead a search for a long-lost time capsule.

Despite the franchise's ever-growing cast of town folk, "Tidings" once again makes the idyllic mountain, Christmas-loving town the heart of this small town story. The "Evergeen" movies at Christmas are a welcomed return to a wonderful town filled with some great characters. Characters from the first and second movies get their moments in this new story, but they don't distract from "Tidings," but rather, they augment and flesh out this beloved little town.

The incredulous Katie is kind of the perfect protagonist for this point of the "Evergreen" series. The town and its super-friendly community does seem too good to be true - which is the town's charm and what makes Evergreen feel like it was lifted right out of a Americana dream. After a pair of relatively fantastical stories, "Tidings" elects to prove just how irresistible it is by winning over the affections of a skeptic.

The first half of "Tidings" is a fun mystery, following the residents of Evergreen try to crack the mystery of a possible town time capsule. Much like the characters trying to figure out a personal mystery in "Letters to Santa," this mystery taps into the town's spirit and really explores the community's past, effectively digging into what makes Evergreen, Evergreen. It's a joy to get a peek at the town's history, and how the events from decades ago reach from years ago and touch the present.

That said, the movie's narrative peaks about halfway through the movie - then it just coasts to the conclusion. It's a nice and delightful nice little stay in Evergreen, but it would have been nice for "Tidings" to maintain some narrative momentum from start to finish. But even in this plot-light second half, "Tidings" finds ways to focus on the many stories that make the "Evergreen" movies a Hallmark Christmas treasure, while possibly hinting at next year's story. Here's to many more stories to come, set in the tiny town where the Christmas magic comes from its characters (and maybe with some help from old Nick).

Final verdict: "Tidings" cements the yearly trip to Evergreen as an essential and joyful part of the holidays.

Score: 4.5/5

"A Cheerful Christmas" is rated TV-G and has a running time of 90 minutes. The movie premieres on The Hallmark Channel on Dec. 15.

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