'Miracles of Christmas' movie review: 'Unlocking Christmas' — Escape Into Film

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'Miracles of Christmas' movie review: 'Unlocking Christmas'

'Miracles of Christmas' movie review: 'Unlocking Christmas'

Two people trying to figure out what's next for them in life find themselves swept up in a holiday puzzle in the romance 'Unlocking Christmas' (premiering Dec. 13 as part of the Hallmark Channel's Miracles of Christmas).

In short: When a mysterious key and a holiday riddle arrive on their doorsteps, Kate (Taylor Cole, 'Christmas in Homestead') and Kevin (Steve Lund, 'Christmas Incorporated') find themselves solving a string of Christmas-themed puzzles.

'Unlocking' finds Kate and Kevin while both are at a crossroads in their lives. Kate is new in town and is just starting what she intends to be a one-year medical fellowship at a small town hospital. Kevin is returning home after a deployment in the Air Force - and all his friends and family seem to be very concerned with what he plans for his future. So of course, as these two are just trying to figure out what's next for them, they find each other.

The first obvious question is who sent Kate and Kevin the riddle that sends them on their holiday-themed - but it's honestly more fun just to go along with the pair as they jump headlong into puzzle adventure. From the first moment of their adorable meet-cute, it's easy to see why Kate and Kevin might bristle - but it's only because the two share an independent streak. Watching their gentle banter warm as they reminisce about Christmases past reminds the audience why holiday traditions are so precious - and watching Kate and Kevin slowly fall in love makes the film all the more enjoyable. While the riddle sleuthing keeps the plot chugging along, it's Cole and Lund's charisma that keeps 'Unlocking' a romantic charmer.

Plenty of Hallmark holiday movies include some cookie making or tree decorating, but 'Unlocking' finds the heart of Christmas traditions. It means so much more to watch the pair create Christmas tree ornaments because of what it means to one of them, and what ornament crafting meant to them. And it’s equally unafraid to ignore why some the holidays might be tough for some people - especially people who have lost close loved ones.

While many Hallmark stories are set in quaint little towns, 'Unlocking' sets itself apart by actually making the town a part of the movie. It's a small production detail, but watching Kate and Kevin walk stroll down holiday-decorated streets makes the movie all the more immersive. 'Unlocking' boasts a production design that makes the movie feel authentic, which in turn adds to the film's sincerity.

Unfortunately 'Unlocking' steps into the all-too familiar trap of a simple misunderstanding … which causes the movie to stumble a bit as it approaches the finish line. It's literally a misunderstanding that could be entirely avoided with a single conversation - and a miscommunication that hinges on some ill-timed eavesdropping on a conversation. This story deserves better than such a formulaic trope of an ending.

Final verdict: Cole and Lund's chemistry make this a delightful romance and 'Unlocking' embraces Christmas traditions, leaning more warmly nostalgic and avoiding anything cloying saccharine.

Score: 4 calling birds (out of 5)

'Unlocking Christmas' is rated TV-G and has a running time of 90 minutes. The movie premieres on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries on Dec. 13.

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