A handicapped boy meddles with demonic forces in yet another "be careful what you wish for" cautionary tale.
“Everything I learned I learned from the movies.”
― Audrey Hepburn
All tagged IFC Films
A handicapped boy meddles with demonic forces in yet another "be careful what you wish for" cautionary tale.
One-part relationship drama and one-part indie horror flick, this enjoyable little flick feels like two, tonally different shorter movies conjoined together.
This horror family drama really is the perfect encapsulation of the increasing dread of watching a loved one inevitably succumb to an incurable, degenerative disease.
This fourth and apparently final entry in this low-key brilliant series is more of the same hallmark silly banter, delectable food porn and wanderlust-inducing vistas that define the 'Trip' movies. And that’s not a bad thing.
With its color saturation cranked up all the way, this dark comedy takes coveting the banalities of suburban life to a nightmarish, hyperbolic degree.
Even the intriguing and novel notions of this indie drama make this relatively short film feel long and tedious.
Anyone who can make it through the visceral brutality of this film's first act must then endure a gripping but emotionally punishing rebuke of colonialism dressed up as a revenge thriller.
A standout lead performance and fun character dynamics make up for a meandering narrative that ultimately sputters at the end.
"Even his failures are spectacular," the late Roger Ebert wrote of filmmaker Werner Herzog. And his latest film is more of a grand failure and than the sweeping drama it aspires to be.
The brilliance of this documentary is not just its merciless take on the scandal itself - but its entertaining and gripping behind-the-scenes look at a campaign team in constant damage control while supporting a candidate who is apparently intent on self destructing.