Writer-director Ari Aster's intentionally bizarre third film is one coward's three-hour panic attack guilt trip disguised as an absurd road trip .
“Everything I learned I learned from the movies.”
― Audrey Hepburn
All tagged comedy
Writer-director Ari Aster's intentionally bizarre third film is one coward's three-hour panic attack guilt trip disguised as an absurd road trip .
Real-life spouses Dave Franco and Alison Brie craft the existential drama of a workaholic reconsidering the many choices her made in pursuit of her career.
Two drinking buddies have a sudden falling out in this unexpectedly funny and wryly melancholic drama.
The hilarious and bawdy Apatow-produced comedy rejects its label as merely a rom-com with same-sex characters - it proudly and unapologetically asserts its gayness.
A manager who spent far too long managing a mediocre Italian restaurant wins a trip to sun-soaked Tuscany.
A perfect balance of Ridiculous Cage absurdity with self-aware meta jabs at the Hollywood machine.
This thematically ambitious and wildly entertaining action comedy is an unabashedly silly & poetically humane sci-fi classic in the making.
Knoxville & crew return for another crude, disgusting, and gleefully hysterical, wince-inducing ride.
An affable if aimless twentysomething tries to figure out post-college life.
Simon Rex's irresistibly charismatic performance anchors the best character-driven comedy of 2021.
An extinction-level existential threat to humanity isn't the scariest aspect of this seething satirical comedy.
A gross parody of every Wes Anderson idiosyncrasy with an aggressively quirky comedic drama which was written and directed by ... Wes Anderson.
Bloody hilarious mystery-monster flick is a gem of 2021 cinema.
This friends reunion dark comedy combines all relentless cringe with low-key horror vibes.
Michelle Pfeiffer's sharp-tongued, low-key great performance is literally the only reason not to make a French exit from the theater while watching this bungled ‘comedy.’
Comedian Bob Odenkirk is the least likely action hero badass in this hilarious and fun beat 'em up flick.
If the Target Lady and her folksy bestie got their groove back while trying to stop a crazy revenge scheme, it would look like this utterly absurd comedy.
If Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne went on a madcap misadventure through the slums of Brussels, it would look a lot like this appalling Belgian comedy.
This relationship comedy has all the trappings of a traditional rom-com - except that it joyfully and confidently is most certainly not a romance.
Pixar's latest asks 'what makes life worth living?'