'The Ridiculous 6' Netflix review: Adam Sandler, Happy Madison must be stopped — Escape Into Film

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'The Ridiculous 6' Netflix review: Adam Sandler, Happy Madison must be stopped

'The Ridiculous 6' Netflix review: Adam Sandler, Happy Madison must be stopped

'The Ridiculous 6' is starts streaming on Netflix on Dec. 1. (Photo courtesy of Netflix, used with permission.)

"The Ridiculous 6" (streaming on Netflix starting Dec. 1) is irrefutable confirmation of every negative sentiment against Adam Sandler and affirms that Happy Madison Productions is a stagnant cesspool. This atrocity of alleged "comedy" should unite all movie lovers in one unified voice: Sandler - and all his Happy Madison lackeys - must be run out of show business.

In short: Sandler plays a grim, monotone and apparently super-powered/mystical "injun brave" mumbling through the old west populated entirely by cartoonishly racist pioneer folk. He aimlessly wanders the wild west, fortuitously bumping into his long lost half-brothers, as he tries to rescue his ex-outlaw father.

Sandler deserves a lifetime sentence in movie jail for this latest dead-on-arrival comedy. He is not merely the marquee name on this horrific disaster - he also co-wrote the script where he stars as a mystical (arguably racist) depiction of a spiritual "injun brave" who employs a random grab bag of superpowers. But this comedic dumpster fire is par for the course for "comedian"Adam Sandler - this is exactly the type of "mundane, formulaic Adam Sandler" movie that Sony is all to happy to not be a part of any longer. And Canteen Boy either wrote or wholeheartedly approved such razor-sharp dialogue such as "They all look like my butthole" or "All I see is a rock that looks like a weenie pee-pee."

"Ridiculous 6" has the racial sensitivity of a 1940s Looney Tunes cartoon - except it is far less funny. "Ridiculous" is not simply offensive because it makes some off-color jokes -- the suggestion that anything this pointlessly offensive or absolutely unfunny is - itself - offensive. Sandler clearly has contempt for his target audience. Just to be clear - many great films have had as much (if not more) politically incorrect elements -- but this adolescent script is too stupid to know what to do with its non sequitur and juvenile humor. This script feels it was hammered out by a teenage delinquent who recently learned the word "injun."

And even when "Ridiculous 6" isn't vomiting nonsense, the movie itself doesn't make much sense. The six brothers need to collect enough money to rescue their father -- but for some reason why have enough time to wander the old west, rob every bandit/bank on the frontier and discover baseball.

Sandler is apparently unaware of anything related to comedic timing or funny material -- but he has also lost sight of his new audience. He forgot this movie will only live on Netflix - where anyone foolish enough to waste even one minute of their life on this turd can simply cut bait when their tolerance for stupidity runs out. "Ridiculous 6" seemingly dares the audience to just hit 'stop' at every turn - whether it's the projectile defecating donkey or the same donkey apparently performing fellatio on a man child (played by Taylor Lautner, who is doing his best "Simple Jack" impersonation).

And shame on Netflix for inflicting this soulless slog on its subscribers. It's not without some bit of irony that the release of "Ridiculous 6" -- the first bounty reaped from Netflix's ill-advised four-picture deal with Opera Man -- comes just days after the streaming service owned the Golden Globe nominations. If the unholy pact with Sandler drives the monthly subscription prices up even by one penny, then Netflix should be lambasted. It's far too easy for an unassuming Netflix subscriber to step into this cow pie of a "movie" -- and Netflix should be condemned for allowing such ease of access to his crime against film.

The only positive thing that can be said about this 119 minute-long tripe - at least it doesn't last one minute or second longer. And it's 119 minutes too long.

Score: 0/5

Final verdict: "Ridiculous 6" is essentially free (at least to Netflix subscribers) -- and audiences are still getting ripped off.

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